An Expert in Work Culture Challenges and Best Practice Solutions

12.27.21 07:23 AM Comment(s) By Dr. Kris Lea

Robert A. Boehm
Robert A. Boehm Partner Relations Unit Chief Data Governance Support Section, Data Governance Branch Enterprise Data Information Management
Dr. Lea’s calm and reassuring manner complemented her complex understanding and experience to clearly identify problem solving measures and solutions while providing encouragement and focus on the ultimate project goals, proved to provide significant benefit as observed by the staff behaviors and feedback.

The importance of these skills often do not receive the level of attention and recognition from leadership who must focus on strategic direction and goals. However, without universal understanding for the context and application of the strategic goals at the individual staff level, many struggle to adjust and assimilate to the demands of change and uncertainty. Dr. Lea brought the EDIM Program stability and comfort during a tumultuous and challenging time.

Ready to benefit from the stability and clarity that Dr. Lea's expertise and guidance can bring to your organization? Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your project goals. 

Dr. Kris Lea

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