5 Vital Signs of a Healthy Organization

02.25.23 10:45 AM Comment(s) By Dr. Kris Lea

Why Balance is a Vital Sign of a Healthy Organization

Have you ever wondered what makes a healthy organization tick? An organizational development and change management consultant, Dr. Kris Lea, shares her insights. In her white paper "The 5 Vital Signs of a Healthy Organization," she discusses the first vital sign: balance. This means that an organization should strive to meet its own needs and the needs of the people working there. After all, a happy and healthy workforce is vital to success.

If you want to learn more about creating a healthy balance in your organization, be sure to check out Dr. Lea's white paper.

Dr. Kris Lea - 5 Vital Signs to Organizational Health

Post by Dr. Kris Lea

Meet Kris Lea - an experienced consultant, facilitator, and trainer with expertise in OD, OCM, T&D, and Project Management. Kris empowers organizations to overcome challenges and achieve goals. As the founder of Lea Associates LLC, Kris is committed to building long-term client partnerships and delivering exceptional value.

Dr. Kris Lea

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