OCM: 3 Reasons for Manager Engagement

05.18.20 07:27 AM Comment(s) By Dr. Kris Lea

This blog post written by Kris Lea was originally for Visionary Integration Professionals.

Organizational Change Management (OCM) is managing the “people side” of change to ensure a return on investment (ROI) on a given project. One group of people that need to be engaged very early are first-line and middle managers. Project work requires a lot of planning. Frequently, early on, it is assumed that managers are all ‘on board’ with the reasons why their organization’s senior leaders are investing in a particular enterprise software product. However, managers are individuals in the change process, just like everyone else, and they need to be supported through the ADKAR change stages. ADKAR stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement and is the fundamental model for project success, provided by Prosci, a firm dedicated to best practice research.[1]

Engaging Managers early on is important for three reasons.

OCM Leadership
        1. They need to understand the “why” of a change first, which is Awareness. Managers need to become aware of and understand the reasons for the change. This understanding provides them a frame of reference from which to support and supplement communications that will come from their senior leadership and the OCM Communications team. Supporting communications can look like many things, including forwarding emails to their organizations and teams with the inclusion of an individual message of support and encouragement. Additionally, it could also take the form of signage in the office space, displaying important memos or notifications so that teams are always up to date on any changes that might be coming. Companies such as loop.tv and others could help you accomplish that office-wide. The first step of awareness is effective communication, and managers have to learn to do their most in that aspect of their work.
        2. They need to support the process of the “To Be” world.  Specifically, in the way that it will impact the roles and responsibilities of their management team and direct reports. Two universal key functions of management are to plan the work and then to organize it; this is the “what” and the “who”. Managers need to be engaged early so that they can facilitate the role and responsibility changes that inevitably come with enterprise software products like the inclusion of an ERP software solution (companies like Finlyte might provide you with the right direction in cases such as this). This is part of understanding the future state of the organization and the way work will get done.
        3. They need to coach their direct reports, whether they are managers or individual contributors. Coaching is the best method of support during transitions. Individuals always have concerns that are personal in nature, and their first-line manager is the one they may trust the most to interpret and explain what is happening in their organization.

The lesson here is to plan for first-line and mid-level manager engagement early on during the OCM planning phase. Managers who are not on board and do not support the organization’s need for change can inadvertently sabotage the project by cynicism and negativity, not realizing that they themselves are role models of change adoption and resiliency. Managers who are on board are the greatest lever for positive organizational changes that ultimately impact project outcomes. 

[1] Reference: https://www.prosci.com

Dr. Kris Lea - Organizational Development Training

Post by Dr. Kris Lea

Meet Kris Lea - an experienced consultant, facilitator, and trainer with expertise in OD, OCM, T&D, and Project Management. Kris empowers organizations to overcome challenges and achieve goals. As the founder of Lea Associates LLC, Kris is committed to building long-term client partnerships and delivering exceptional value.

Dr. Kris Lea

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